
An Introduction to the Ideas Presented on the Current Page.

Discover the difference between concepts and actual experiences.

Differentiating between concepts and what is actual.

To truly understand the difference between a concept and what is actual, we must first understand their definitions and how they are experienced. This distinction is important in discovering Direct Experience.

Uncovering the delusion of the self.

One of the most important realizations in differentiating between concepts and what is actual is understanding the illusion of the self. By discovering Direct Experience, we can see through this delusion and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

List of Features

Explore the concepts of the self and direct experience through these key features.

Interactive Visualizations

Engage with interactive visualizations to better understand the self and direct experience.

In-Depth Articles

Access a wealth of knowledge and insight through our in-depth articles on the self and direct experience.

Community Support

Join a supportive community to discuss and share experiences related to the self and direct experience.

Connections and Insights

Discover new insights and connections between concepts of the self and direct experience.

Infographic Numbers Highlighting the Impact of Concepts on Our Perceptions

Discover the power of Direct Experience and how it can change your perception of reality.

Total Concepts


Perceived Reality


Actual Reality


Illusion of Self


Client Testimonials

Hear from our clients about their journey of recognizing and understanding concepts and reality.

The Schuberts helped me see beyond the illusion of self and understand the concepts of Direct Experience.

John Smith

XYZ Company

Through the Schuberts’ teachings, I was able to perceive reality in a whole new way and connect with my inner self.

Jane Doe

ABC Corporation

The Schuberts helped me find balance and clarity in my understanding of concepts and reality. Highly recommended.

Adam Brooks

123 Enterprises

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