Welcome to an adventure

We are dedicated to helping individuals discover Direct Experience as a means to see through the illusion of the self

Discover the truth about your self and experience Direct Experience, the ultimate tool for personal growth and self-fulfillment.

Experience the illusion

Introduction to The Schuberts

Discover Direct Experience with The Schuberts

Discover the Truth

Understanding the Illusion

Through the teachings of The Schuberts, you can learn to see through the illusion of the self and discover what truly is.

Education for Liberation

Let go of the delusion and find freedom through direct experience.

Transform Your Perspective

Gain a new understanding of the world through the teachings of The Schuberts.

Breaking the Chains of Ego

Release yourself from the suffering caused by the illusion of the self.

Enlightenment Awaits

Open your mind to direct experience and discover true enlightenment.

Discover the Power of Direct Experience

See the world as it is through Direct Experience.

Deep and Resistant Illusion

The illusion of a self is deeply rooted and difficult to overcome.

Delusion and Suffering

The illusion of self causes suffering and holds us back from seeing the world as it truly is.

Discover Direct Experience

Direct Experience allows us to see things as they are and break free from the illusion of self.

Transforming Perspective

Direct Experience can transform our perspective and open our hearts to the world around us.

Take the first step towards enlightenment, join our community and start your journey now.

Number of Direct Experience teachings


Number of students who found inner peace


Number of awards received


Number of countries reached


Take the first step towards enlightenment, join our community and start your journey now.

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